Moving Forward III

God, Spirit, Spiritual, Being, Here, Now, Present

As we continue moving forward our next action step is to seek to be in the presence of God daily. When I speak of being in His presence, I am referring to being able to sense His presence, especially during our quiet time. God is omnipresent, meaning He is not restricted by time or space. He cannot be contained. God is present everywhere at all times. God in His whole being is present at every point of our universe.

In Psalm 139: 7-12 David affirms that there is no place he can go where the spirit of God is not present.  Whether David was trying to flee from the presence of God, or simply marveling at the greatness of God’s mercy, we can be assured that there is no place we can go that would separate us from God’s watchful eye and the protection of His hand.

Acts l7.28a reads For in him we live and move and have our being. God has placed within us a desire to worship and seek His presence. He is never far from us and we can depend on Him. For those who belong to Him, we seek to sense His presence continually. We accomplish this by spending time in prayer and study daily. We linger after our time of devotion, waiting to hear what He has to say to us.  We communicate with God throughout our day and most of all we seek to obey His will.

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. There are great benefits to being in His presence.  In His presence our joy is complete.

*Things to bring to your time with God: Bible, Bible commentary, notebook, pen, highlighters, worship music, and other devotional books.

*Things to not bring: cell phone, to do list, lap top and other distractions.

Pray before you start your quiet time with God; ask Him to help you to focus as you seek to enter into His presence. Perhaps like me, life gets busy and you neglect to spend quality time with God each day. Start leaving something else off so that you can spend necessary time with God.  The benefits of being in His presence are immeasurable.

What other things do you bring into your private quiet time with God?

Evelyn Johnson-Taylor Ph.D.

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