Know Your Value

Several years ago, I wrote a book titled Seven Blessing Blockers, Discover How You Can Overcome Hindrances to the Abundant Life. In this book I shared seven things that can hinder us from moving forward: one being Self- Image. When asked which blessing blocker I felt was most important, it was a hard choice because I believe they all are. What I realized from the many women I’ve connected with over the years is that self-image is a big blessing blocker.

How we see ourselves is vital to how we show up for life. God created us with everything we need for forward movement. Of course our gift need to mature and be nurtured. Depending on what your goals are, you may require coaching and or educational training. Your skill set can always be sharpen.

When we don’t see ourselves as God sees us, it can cause us to not recognize the blessings that come into our life. When we think we don’t deserve the good things that come our way we can end up sabotaging our future.

In the book of Genesis we see the story of Eve, how the serpent came to her. In Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, Did God really say, you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” I believe the serpent appealed to her feelings of inadequacy and lack of confidence. In Genesis 3:5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” If Eve had known her true value based on who God created her to be, she would have recognized that she was already enough. That she had everything she needed right there in the garden. That she was already everything God had created her to be.

One thing we learn from Eve is that when we doubt our worth, and second guess who we are, it opens the door for negative talk and or thoughts. This can also cause us to forfeit some of the great things God has planned for us. Adam and Eve had to leave the garden because of their decision to disobey.

When the enemy tries to tell you that you are not enough, counteract it with positive talk. Take the promises from God’s Word and declare them over your own life. Repeat them aloud until you get them in your spirit. You are enough and you have everything you need to be all that God plans for you. Don’t let the enemy cause you to doubt your value.

What lies from the enemy have you combated recently?


Seven Blessing Blockers

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