Enjoy the Journey


Kingdom Assignment Series 

As you go through life, learn to use your experiences as a teaching tool. Don’t look at them as wasted time rather consider them a time of information gathering.  While you are waiting get busy with Kingdom work. Don’t sit around waiting for the glamour and the lights. Some of your most effective Kingdom work will be done away from the eyes of the public.

As you go about functioning in your daily life, God will use you. The obstacles you encounter along the way will bring you to the place God is taking you. There are valuable lessons to be learned in the process. Learn to use every experience good or bad to proclaim the message of the Gospel.

Our experiences can sometimes be our best teachings, not only for us but for those we share them with. You are called to fulfill His purpose in the earth. We are called to a place of service in His Kingdom. God sees you as who He has destiny you to be. You’re not just an anything; you are the righteousness of God, called to be holy. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV) Our sins were placed on the One who knew no sin. In return the righteousness of God is credited to all who receive Him.

The road that leads to fulfilling our purposes maybe different but the end result is the same.  Our assignment is to fulfill His purpose in the earth. Each of us have been uniquely crafted by God to impact the lives of others.

Whether you find yourself in the place of a stay at home mom, do it to the glory of God. If you can train your children to love Jesus you have accomplished something that is eternal. If you are head of a corporation, lead as unto the Lord. The focus of our calling is to God first and everything else follows. Seek God in prayer, asking Him how He can best use you to fulfill your Kingdom Assignment?

Evelyn Johnson-Taylor Ph.D.

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