The Heart of the Caregiver

These pictures represent 25 years of our lives together but what you don’t see is the journey in between.

I have documented in a manuscript my journey of caring for my husband since June 2008.  This is a project that is dear to my heart.  The purpose of this book is to inspire family caregivers as they care for their loved ones.  Unless a person has been in the position of caregiver one cannot fully understand the magnitude of the assignment.

In this book I share my story and what has been helpful to me, the many struggles and challenges that we as a family have faced as a result of my husband’s illness.  I also share personal conflicts that I have struggled with along the way.

But one thing I know for sure is that, if it had not been for God I never would have made it this far.  I wanted to write this book while I was still in the middle of my journey because many times after the assignment is over we tend to glamorize things.  In some cases, thankfully, one forgets the depth of the struggle.  It is my desire that the reader of this book come away with a realization of the magnitude of the gift they have been given to care for a loved one and to understand that support is available.

In the book, I share what support agencies/systems that have been helpful to me and how to best utilize available support systems.  In an effort to get the project completed, I am sharing with you my Kickstarter campaign information in the hopes that you will pledge and be a part of this amazing project. Click on the link below to pledge your support.

Thank you in advance for your support. I have also included a link for an article done by the local newspaper regarding the support that caregivers need.

Dr. Evelyn Johnson-Taylor

Help me publish this important message

Caregivers need support

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