Purpose or Passion

cropped-evelyn-j-taylor-a-womans-call-banner1.jpgGod created each of us for a purpose. Before He formed you in your mother’s womb, God already knew what He had planned for you. How does passion relate to purpose? Passion is more about emotions. Purpose is the reason we do what we do. Our purpose affects others while passion makes one feel good inwardly because of outward actions.

While passion and purpose can influence each other, they are not the same. We can have many passions throughout our lives, but our purpose is the same forever. Purpose may look different in each season of life, but the core does not change. God created us in His image to do His will. Our purpose is what we do in this world to accomplish God’s vision for our lives. How you accomplish it may change, but not your purpose.

If you are struggling to discover ways to fulfill your purpose, be attentive to the people who God brings into your path. What do they ask of you? Often God will use other people to pull out of us what we don’t want to give. If people are constantly coming to you with the same request, then you may have what they need.  As a mother of young children, women could ask me to mentor them. I had no interest in doing that. My hands were full. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that one way to fulfill my purpose was to impact the lives of women. Well, twenty-six years later I’m still impacting the lives of women. It looks a little different from how I started, but the purpose is the same. Now I write books and speak to women. I teach classes for women, coach, and mentor women.

I made excuses why I was not the person. Thankfully, God in His mercy used me, anyway.  Your dreams, passions, and desires may or may not connect to your purpose. Your passion will drive you, it gives you energy, while your purpose tells you who you are. We can be passionate about many things, but our purpose will give us clarity. Your purpose will be what you offer mankind and how you fulfill God’s plan for your life. Only you can fulfill your purpose, others may be passionate about the same things that you are passionate about, but only you can accomplish it the way God designed you to accomplish it. One excellent rule of thumb to keep you on track is to always strive to bring glory to God in all that you do and you will fulfil your purpose. To read more about this topic, visit my website and purchase my books.

Visit my website for an online course to find out more about being confident in who God calls you to be.


Evelyn Johnson-Taylor


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